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Spaceship Builder Games

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10 best space games that'll take you to places you've never been before. Available on: PC, Xbox One, PS4. Elite: Dangerous. A game about building a spaceship. You send your spaceship into space. You'll get some money for every meter your ship travels. Gathered money will allow you to buy parts for the ship.

Astrobase Command simulates life on a space station designed and constructed by you, with a deep focus on the personalities and relationships of the characters you recruit on-board.

As the manager of this lone Astrobase in a forgotten corner of the universe, your crew depend on you and each other for their survival. True leadership starts with understanding the personalities of your crew and trusting them to work together to get the job done.

Every choice you make will be the difference between life and death in the void. Do you have what it takes?


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  • vierra01
  • jeffbelbin
  • Zoot_C
  • sigarr
  • Galaxy
  • Basic Beta Edition

    • Beta Access
    • Full Game

    Beta Edition

    • Beta Access
    • Full Game
    • Soundtrack
    • Unique In-Game Desk Toy – Alien Egg/Cocoon

    Super Beta Edition

    • Beta Access
    • Full Game
    • Soundtrack
    • Unique In-Game Desk Toy – Alien Egg/Cocoon
    • Unique In-Game Desk Toy – Space Crystals
    • Design a Uniform Set
    • Get Your Name in the Game

    A Different Kind of Base Building Game

    Astrobase Command is a space station builder and life simulation all about the procedural personalities of the characters which drive their day-to-day lives.

    Survival means getting to know the individuals which comprise your crew, and understanding how their personalities affect the world around them. Will your Astrobase grow and prosper in whatever direction you choose, or will you be fumbling to put out reactor fires while everyone is at each other's throats?

    Support on Patreon!Wishlist on Steam!

    Current Features

    • Species Creation and Customization: Name your species, choose its core statistics and physical appearance, and also uniform schema!
    • 3D Space Station Construction: Design individual modules from sections and components, and expand your Astrobase by building in any direction.
    • Base Management and Crew Life Simulation: The characters have deep life-cycles. They will eat, sleep, use the toilet, think about life, interact with each other, form their relationships, and work at their job to keep things running.
    • Rich Character Personalities: Watch any character live his or her life, growing and evolving through the subjective experience of their reality!
    • Full 3D Desk GUI: Let out your inner Space Bureaucrat as you interact through a full 3D desk, complete with a state-of-the-art Datapad, your very own document stamp and filing cabinet!
    • Retro Futurism: This game is a love letter to 70's sci-Fi aesthetics and that era's visual style!

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    Flowing continuously since 2013.

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    Recent Updates: Changes to weapon BPs in line with Starfinder Core Rules, 3rd printing. Thanks Justin B! ().

    Beta testing for new material from Starship Operations Manual. Please get in touch with any feedback. To hide material from SOM, go to Sources and uncheck the SOM option ().

    Supercolossal thanks to Patreon supporters:

    • Albert Scott Bodenhamer
    • Anish Hermon
    • Bruce Mohr
    • Carl Rohweder
    • Charles Mitchell
    • Corey Piper
    • Dan Arango
    • Daniel Petterson
    • Don Houdari Freeman
    • Frank Broadway
    • Geoff Sears
    • Jaye Sonia
    • Kaalen Kirrene
    • Loki
    • Lorenzo Valetti
    • Matthew Atkins
    • Michael Ross
    • Noble Hays
    • Quinn
    • Rob Gill
    • Robert Trimarco
    • Rozborn
    • Shaun Wolf
    • TharBejeff
    • The Amazing Russell A Sinclair
    • Thomas P Felder
    • Tim Hathaway
    • Toby Dillon
    • William H Wooley IV
    • William Refsland
    • Yami


    Select a sample shipSort by:

    Or start building your ship from scratch

    Step 0: Concept

    Use strict ship building rules from Starfinder Core Rules?
    Automatically update crew skill ranks when levelling up?
    Build Point Budget: {{ tier.bpBudget }}; HP Increase: {{ tier.hpIncrease }}

    Step 2: Frame

    Size {{ frame.size }}; Maneuverability {{ frame.maneuverability }}; HP {{ hp }}; DT {{ frame.dt }}; CT {{ criticalThreshold }}; Expansion Bays {{ frame.expansionBays }}; Minimum Crew {{ frame.minCrew }}; Maximum Crew {{ frame.maxCrew }}

    Weapon Mounts

    {{ frame.bpCost }}

    Step 3: Power Core

    NOTE: Supercolossal ships can have either:

    • One Supercolossal power core, and up to four Huge or Gargantuan cores, or
    • Up to five Colossal power cores
    Special Material:
    Abysium (+25% PCU output; radiation hazard; +2 BP)
    Spaceship Builder Games

    Follow us on Facebook!

    Only our Followers are allowed to Face us on Facebook

    Join us on YouTube

    Recent Updates: Changes to weapon BPs in line with Starfinder Core Rules, 3rd printing. Thanks Justin B! ().

    Beta testing for new material from Starship Operations Manual. Please get in touch with any feedback. To hide material from SOM, go to Sources and uncheck the SOM option ().

    Supercolossal thanks to Patreon supporters:

    • Albert Scott Bodenhamer
    • Anish Hermon
    • Bruce Mohr
    • Carl Rohweder
    • Charles Mitchell
    • Corey Piper
    • Dan Arango
    • Daniel Petterson
    • Don Houdari Freeman
    • Frank Broadway
    • Geoff Sears
    • Jaye Sonia
    • Kaalen Kirrene
    • Loki
    • Lorenzo Valetti
    • Matthew Atkins
    • Michael Ross
    • Noble Hays
    • Quinn
    • Rob Gill
    • Robert Trimarco
    • Rozborn
    • Shaun Wolf
    • TharBejeff
    • The Amazing Russell A Sinclair
    • Thomas P Felder
    • Tim Hathaway
    • Toby Dillon
    • William H Wooley IV
    • William Refsland
    • Yami


    Select a sample shipSort by:

    Or start building your ship from scratch

    Step 0: Concept

    Use strict ship building rules from Starfinder Core Rules?
    Automatically update crew skill ranks when levelling up?
    Build Point Budget: {{ tier.bpBudget }}; HP Increase: {{ tier.hpIncrease }}

    Step 2: Frame

    Size {{ frame.size }}; Maneuverability {{ frame.maneuverability }}; HP {{ hp }}; DT {{ frame.dt }}; CT {{ criticalThreshold }}; Expansion Bays {{ frame.expansionBays }}; Minimum Crew {{ frame.minCrew }}; Maximum Crew {{ frame.maxCrew }}

    Weapon Mounts

    {{ frame.bpCost }}

    Step 3: Power Core

    NOTE: Supercolossal ships can have either:

    • One Supercolossal power core, and up to four Huge or Gargantuan cores, or
    • Up to five Colossal power cores
    Special Material:
    Abysium (+25% PCU output; radiation hazard; +2 BP)
    Djezet (+10% PCU output to expansion bays only; +1 BP)
    {{ powerCoresBpCost }}
    Special Material:
    Horacalcum (+1 max speed; -1 Piloting check penalty based on max speed)
    Special Material:
    Horacalcum (+1 max speed; -1 Piloting check penalty based on max speed)
    Speed (in hexes) {{ thrusters.speed + thrustersBooster.speed }}; Piloting Modifier {{ getPrefixedModifier(thrusters.pilotingModifier + thrustersBooster.pilotingModifier) }}
    {{ thrusters.pcuCost + thrustersBooster.pcuCost }} {{ thrusters.bpCost + thrustersBooster.bpCost }}

    Step 5: Other Systems

    Ablative Armor

    Temporary HP by position:


    Make sure your ablative armor adds up to {{ ablativeArmor.tempHp }}.

    NOTE: The ship has a -1 penalty to Piloting because temporary HP from ablative armor is not balanced.

    NOTE: The ship has a -1 penalty to Piloting because temporary HP exceeds the ship's HP. Underswap download full game free.

    Temporary HP {{ ablativeArmor.tempHp }}; TL Modifier {{ ablativeArmor.tlMod }}; Turn Distance {{ ablativeArmor.turnMod }}
    Special Material:
    Adamantine Alloy (bonus to DT)
    Noqual (bonus to magic officer's Mysticism DC and to AC and TL against mystical weapons)
    Bonus to AC {{ getPrefixedModifier(armor.bonusToAc) }}; Special {{ armorSpecial }}


    Secondary Computer
    Dedicated Computer
    Skill Bonus {{ computerSkillBonusDesc }}; Dedicated Computer Skill Bonus {{ getPrefixedModifier(dedicatedComputer.bonus) }}; Nodes {{ ctComputerNodes }}; Tier {{ computerTier }}
    {{ computer.pcuCost + dedicatedComputer.pcuCost + (isSupercolossal ? secondaryComputer.pcuCost : 0) + networkNodes.pcuCost }} {{ computer.bpCost + dedicatedComputer.bpCost + (isSupercolossal ? secondaryComputer.bpCost : 0) + networkNodes.bpCost }}
    {{ crewQuarters.bpCost }}

    Defensive Countermeasures

    Special Material:
    Horacalcum (decrease enemy weapon speed by 25%)
    Siccatite (increase science officer Computers DC against enemy sensors)
    Bonus To TL {{ getPrefixedModifier(defensiveCountermeasures.defCMBonusToTl) }}
    {{ defensiveCountermeasures.pcuCost }} {{ defensiveCountermeasuresBpCost }}
    Note: {{ driftEngine.notes }}
    {{ driftEngineBpCost }}

    Expansion Bays

    NOTE: {{ frame.expansionBayInfo }}.

    NOTE: As a Supercolossal ship, this vessel has {{ Math.floor(frame.bpCost / 10) }} cargo bays in addition to those below.

    NOTE: On a colony ship or space station, two thirds of expansion bays must be for civilian use (cargo holds, escape pods, guest quarters, life boats, recreation suites, or others determined by the GM).

    Slots used{{ expansionBaysCountUsed }} / {{ ctExpansionBaySlots }}

    You cannot have more external expansion bays than expansion bay slots on the frame.

    NOTE: Healing pods can only be installed on biomechanical ships.

    {{ expansionBaysTotalPcuCost }} {{ expansionBaysTotalBpCost }}
    Bonus To CT {{ fortifiedHull.bonusToCt }}

    Reinforced Bulkhead

    Fortification {{ reinforcedBulkhead.fortification }}
    {{ antiHackingSystems.bpCost }}
    {{ antiPersonnelWeaponBpCost }}
    {{ biometricLocksBpCost }}

    Computer Countermeasures

    Shock Grid
    {{ selfDestructSystemBpCost }}
    {{ params.hasEmergencyAccelerator ? 5 : 0 }} {{ params.hasEmergencyAccelerator ? 4 * sizeCategory.multiplier : 0 }}
    {{ params.hasHolographicMantle ? 10 : 0 }} {{ params.hasHolographicMantle ? 12 : 0 }}
    {{ params.hasReconfigurationSystem ? 50 : 0 }} {{ params.hasReconfigurationSystem ? 30 : 0 }}
    {{ securityTotalPcuCost }} {{ securityTotalBpCost }}


    Special Material:
    Djezet (increase sensor range)
    Noqual (chance to cause enemy glitch on scan crew action)
    Range {{ sensors.range }}; Modifier {{ getPrefixedModifier(sensors.modifier) }}
    Shield Type:
    Deflector Shields (Starship Operations Manual)

    Shields by position:


    Make sure your shields add up to {{ shields.totalSp }}!

    Total SP {{ shields.totalSp }}; Regen. {{ shields.regen }}
    Defense Value {{ deflectorShield.defenseValue }}/–; Bonus to AC +{{ deflectorShield.bonusToAc }}; Bonus to TL +{{ deflectorShield.bonusToTl }}
    {{ deflectorShield.pcuCost }} {{ deflectorShield.bpCost }}


    FOR INFORMATION: {{ frame.weaponInfo }}.

    Weapons Summary

    {{ weaponsTotalCosts.weaponsPcu }} {{ weaponsTotalCosts.weaponsBp + weaponsTotalCosts.weaponMaterialsBp + weaponsTotalCosts.weaponMountsBp + weaponsTotalCosts.weaponLinksBp }} (weapons {{ weaponsTotalCosts.weaponsBp }} + materials {{ weaponsTotalCosts.weaponMaterialsBp }} + mounts {{ weaponsTotalCosts.weaponMountsBp }} + links {{ weaponsTotalCosts.weaponLinksBp }})
    Algal Shielding (see Starship Operations Manual, p 27)
    {{ params.hasAlgalShielding ? 5 + 2 * sizeCategory.multiplier : 0 }}
    Autodestruct System (see Starship Operations Manual, p 27)
    {{ params.hasAutoDestruct ? sizeCategory.multiplier : 0 }}
    = 4'>
    Colony Ship Framework (see Starship Operations Manual, p 27)
    {{ params.hasColonyShipFramework ? Math.floor(frame.bpCost * 0.25) : 0 }}
    Consciousness Uplink Drive (see Starship Operations Manual, p 28)
    {{ dataNetBpCost }} {{ dataNetPcuCost }}
    {{ hiveJoiningBpCost }}
    {{ params.hasPowersap ? sizeCategory.multiplier * 3 : 0 }}

    Spaceship Building Games Online

    {{ roboticAppendage.bpCost }}
    Root System (see Starship Operations Manual, p 29)
    {{ params.hasRootSystem ? 5 : 0 }} {{ params.hasRootSystem ? sizeCategory.multiplier * 2 : 0 }}
    = 4'>
    Space Station Framework (see Starship Operations Manual, p 29)
    {{ params.hasSpaceStationFramework ? Math.floor(frame.bpCost * 0.2) : 0 }}

    Training Interface Modules

    of which have Associated Crew Member 'All'
    {{ vi.bpCost }}
    Maximum Size {{ viHoloProjectorSize }}
    {{ viSkillExpander.bpCost }}

    Step 5a: Custom Components

    {{ parseInt(customComponentPcuTotal.essential) + parseInt(customComponentPcuTotal.nonEssential) }} {{ parseInt(customComponentBpTotal) }}
    Complement{{ complement }}({{ this.frame.minCrew }}–{{ this.frame.maxCrew }})


    {{ shipName }} (Tier {{ }})

    {{ frame.size }} {{ + (params.hasColonyShipFramework ? ' (colony ship)' : ') + (params.hasSpaceStationFramework ? ' (space station)' : ') }}

    Speed {{ thrusters.speed + thrustersBooster.speed }} ({{ params.thrustersMaterialId }} thrusters); Maneuverability {{ frame.maneuverability }} (turn {{ turn }}) 0'>; Drift {{ driftEngine.engineRating }}

    AC {{ armorClass }}; TL {{ targetLock }}

    HP {{ hp }}; DT {{ damageThreshold }}; CT {{ criticalThreshold }}

    Ablative Armor {{ }} (forward {{ params.ablativeArmorByPosition.forward }}, port {{ params.ablativeArmorByPosition.port }}, starboard {{ params.ablativeArmorByPosition.starboard }}, aft {{ params.ablativeArmorByPosition.aft }})

    Methods of persuasion pdf definition. Shields {{ }} (forward {{ params.shieldsByPosition.forward }}, port {{ params.shieldsByPosition.port }}, starboard {{ params.shieldsByPosition.starboard }}, aft {{ params.shieldsByPosition.aft }})

    Reinforced Bulkheads {{ }}; Fortification {{ reinforcedBulkhead.fortification }}

    Attack ({{ position.toTitleCase() }}) {{ weaponDescription }}

    Power Core(s) {{ powerCoreDescription }}; Drift Engine {{ }}; Systems; Security {{ securityDescription }}; Expansion Bays {{ expansionBaysDescription }}; Fortified Hull {{ }}

    Modifiers {{ modifiersDescription }}; Complement {{ complement }}

    Custom Components {{ customComponentsDescription }}

    Build Points cost {{ totalBpCost }}, max {{ tier.bpBudget }} Power Core Units non-essential {{ totalPcuCost.essential + totalPcuCost.nonEssential }}, essential {{ totalPcuCost.essential }}, max {{ pcuBudget }}


    {{ roleDescription[roleId] }} {{ crewDescriptions[roleId] }}

    VI {{ viCrewDescription }}

    Spaceship Building Games


    Come back and work on your starship at a later date: copy and paste the JSON in the box below into a text file. When you're ready to resume, copy and paste it back in to the JSON box in the ‘Input' section at the top of the page.

    Spaceship Building Games 2019

    {{ jsonParams }}

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